Caring for Others Begins with Self-Care
In mindfulness meditation groups, I often talk about self-care. Self-care, while it may sound selfish, is one of the most selfless things you can do. As you take care of yourself, you are able to care for others, and for mother earth. When we talk about self-care, or self-love or self-compassion, we’re talking about those things you need to feed your body, mind and soul. We’re talking about being kind to yourself, just as you are kind to others. We often times make excuses why we don’t practice self-care. Time for instance, is often used as an excuse. We don’t seem to have enough of it. Stoicsm is an ancient Greek school of philosophy about self-control and inner peace, and included followers such as Marcus Aurelius and Seneca. One of the lessons from the stoics is to wake up early. Take these moments before the rest of the world awakens to have quiet time to be by yourself. In modern terms, that means don’t look at your emails, or the news. Take some time to journal or meditate or jus